Srila Prabhupad in Hyderabad

Srila Prabhupada very mercifully came to Hyderabad every year from 1972 to 1976 and established with the assistance of his disciples and generous donors, a majestic temple in the center of the city and a farm project, New Narmisharanya, near Medchal, 40kms away.

Srila Prabhupada first came to Hyderabad 17th Nov.1972

For 2 weeks he gave lectures on the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad Gita at the Exhibition grounds. The program was arranged by a committee of prominent personalities. Bhavananda Das came with a dozen disciples from Calcutta. Mahamsa Das became the head of ISKCON Hyderabad. Besides the public lectures attended by thousands of people, SrilaPrabhupada addressed the members of the Main Rotary Club at the Rity Hotel on the invitation of Sri Ramesh Chandra Lahoti on the 29th Sri PannalalPittia cordially invited SrilaPrabhupada to reside at his mansion in Somajiguda whenever he comes to Hyderabad. By the end of the program, Sri G.Pulla Reddy came forward to donate a piece of land measuring 950 square yards off Namapally Station Road, near Abids Circle, for the establishment of a temple. The Work of excavation started shortly afterwards.


Srila Prabhupada then came again on 19th March 1973 

He gave public lectures at the Exhibition Grounds and laid down the foundation stone for the new temple. Meanwhile a dozen disciples including Akshojananda Swami, and Harikesa Swami and Mahamra, newly ordained  sannyasi organized preaching activities from a flat given by Sri Puranmal Agarwal in GyanBagh Colony, Begum Bagar. Alongside with the construction of the permanent temple, a smaller temporary temple and ashram also started construction on the piece of land adjacent to Namapally Station Rd. with the kind consent of Sri G Pulla Reddy.

Srila Prabhupada returned to Hyderabad on 18th April 1974

For a series of public lectures at Keys High School open ground, secunderabad. On his arrival day he answered questions from press reporters in the temporary temple hall that was just completed. Large size Radha Krishna Murtis were offered first arati by SrilaPrabhupada who gave them the name of Radha Madan Mohan. From then on the Deity Worship started regularly with HG Palikadevidasi as head pujari. On the 25th of April, SrilaPrabhupada went to Tirupati along with disciples as a special guest of the Executive Officer of T.T.D. For 2 days they stayed on Tirumala hills in bungalows, took darshan of Lord Balaji twice a day and were served mahaprasadam. Impressed with the beauty of the temple, SrilaPrabhupada gave a lecture in the main hall opposite to the entry. He again came back to Hyderabad for another 2 days.

Srila Prabhupada again visited Hyderabad from the 10th to the 15th of April 1975

For public lectures at the Reddy College Hostel Complex near Abids Circle to large audiences. 150 disciples had come here after attending the Gaur Purnima Festival in Mayapur. They conducted a grand Hari namsankirtan from Char Minar to Abids. Side by side the 1st International Telugu conference was being held, and SrilaPrabhupada in his public lecture questioned the Telugu identity : “ How long will you remain Telugu ? Only Krishna Consciousness is permanent.” Then SrilaPrabhupada and his disciples went to Vrindavan for the inauguration of the Sri Krishna Balaram Temple.

In 1976 although SrilaPrabhupada had received many invitations from all over the world topreside over the Janmasthami Celebrations, he very kindly chose to come to Hyderabdad to open the new temple and perform the installation of Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan, Sri Sri Gaur Nitai and Sri SriJagannath, Subhadra, Baladev on the 18th of August, Janmastami day. Veda Pandits headed by Sri Samrat Kumar Bhattacharya, asthanaVidvanof Tirumala temple honored SrilaPrabupada with Purna Kumbha and performed the vedic ceremonies. SrilaPrabupada addressed the gathering after A.P.chief Minister Sri JalagamVengal Rao spoke words of appreciation. During his stay, SrilaPrabhupada gave a press conference and lecture at the house of Sri J.B.Muthyal Rao, former Indian ambassador to Somalia. He also addressed 7 A.P. Cabinet Ministers in the house of Sri SagiSuryanaryan Raju, Endowments Minister, speaking on the importance of Varnarsma Dharma. Srilaprabhupada’s Vyas Puja was celebrated on the 19th of August in the new temple hall. On the 24thSrilaPrabhhupada gave a lecture in Hindi at the santana dharma sabha, Begum Bazar. For the first time he occupied his room on the first floor of the temple continuously giving instructions to guests and disciples. He left the city on the 25th of August.

SrilaPrbahupada came again for a week to Hyderabad on the 10th of December 1976 to launch the New Naimisharanya farm community near Medchal. The land covering 565 acres, was part of a Trust belonging to the Badruka family. Sri Hari Prasad Badruka invited SrilaPrbahupada to the land and they discussed how to develop it keeping in view the spiritual welfare of the residents and of the nearby villages. A new charitable trust was formed on the 20th December 1976 that included SrilaPrbahupada as a chairman, Mahamsa Swami as a managing trustee, Jayapataka Swami and 4 other ISKCON leaders as trustees as well as 4 Trustees from the Badruka family. SrilaPrabhupada gave extensive instructions to his disciples how to transform the place as an opportunity to preach Krishna Consciousness while adopting a simple life style. They should establish a temple for Sri Krishna Balaram, distribute Prasadam to all, do Hari Nam Sankirtan, Conduct daily lectures, travel by bullock carts in all neighbouring villages and invite people to join in our activities. Besides that, Cow protection, agriculture, cottage industries should be properly developed. All this will require careful, cooperative management. At a press conference held at the farm SrilaPrabhupada told the reporters that every inch of land is more valuable than gold. Governor for Punjab and former A.P. Chief Minister Sri Marri Channa Reddy came to offer his respects to SrilaPrabhupada as also Sri J.B Muthyal Rao and Sri Bhogilal Patel, a wealthy land owner and donor. Jai SrilaPrabhupada !

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